About us
The Movement for Self-Determination of Tamil Eelam (MSDTE) is an independent organization based in the UK and committed to unite the Tamil Diaspora advocating for the political and human rights of the Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Following the escalation of the Genocidal war in Sri Lanka and the defeat of the Liberarion Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2009, many Tamils were forced to flee Sri Lanka and sought refuge in western countries such as the UK, leading to the creation of a large politically active Tamil diaspora community.
In the UK, various Tamil diaspora groups engage in several activities including lobbying the diplomats, conduct public demonstrations and camapigns in order to bring awareness and seek justice for the most heinous war crimes, crime against humanity, Genocide of Tamils commmited in the past and the ongoing systematic structural Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.
The MSTDE is determined to win the right to self determination of the Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka by supporting the activities of other Tamil diaspora organizations and human rights bodies, working together with them and coordinating such campaigns with a view of strengthening the efforts and achieving the right to self determination which is the fundermenal right of the Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka. In this mission, we not only work with other Tamil Diaspora organizations, but also work with organizations in the home land such as the Associations of Enforced Disappearances, Civil Society, student unions, democratically elected Tamil representatives as well as the British lawmakers, UN and other international human rights organizations to call for justice for the Genocide and seek support for a UN supervised Referendum to reach a permanent peaceful solution for Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka, based on their right to self determination.
Our ultimate goal is to free the home land of Tamils from Sri Lankan military occupation and establish an independent Tamil Eelam state for the Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka.
Our Activities

A committee is not itself considered to be a form of assembly. Usually, the assembly sends matters into a committee as a way to explore them more fully than would be possible if the assembly itself were considering them. Committees may have different functions and their types of work differ depending on the type of the organization and its needs.

Donors Sunshine
Be the reason for someone’s heartbeat.Donate blood. Not on roads but in blood donation camps.

When something is eventful, many things happen during it. In a detective story, a protagonist can protect himself by mailing an envelope to the police to be opened in the event of his death. In the novel White Noise, Don DeLillo describes an Airborne Toxic Event, both predicting and mocking the disasters of our time.

I would suggest scouts and guides as, unlike camp which is restricted within the borders of the nation, scout has it’s wings spread all over the world, employing the youth in humanitarian services and preaching the message of peace through out the globe.It is an unique experience indeed.

The basic concerns of social welfare—poverty, disability and disease, the dependent young and elderly—are as old as society itself. The laws of survival once severely limited the means by which these concerns could be addressed; to share another’s burden meant to weaken one’s own standing in the fierce struggle of daily existence.

Education awareness
Educational services provide training or instruction-based learning on any subject to students or other individuals requiring it. Generally, educational establishments like schools or colleges offer the services. However, private and public-owned organisations may provide the same.